VKids (K–5th)
On Sunday mornings, after our time of worship together, we invite K-5th kids to participate in our VKids ministry. Our trained VKids volunteers take our kiddos through a session of teaching, discussion, games, and other activities geared just for them. We utilize a great Bible-based video curriculum that includes fun activities, crafts, memory verses, and discussion.
The 1st Sunday of each month is “Family Sunday,” when our K-5th Vkids stay in the main service with us. We have a special Bible Story reading time for the kids, and we all receive communion together at the end of the service as a church family. Our nursery is still available (3 months to 4 years) on Family Sunday.
NURSERY (3 months – 4 years)
Parents are welcome to check-in their younger children with our trained VKids nursery volunteers. Our nursery team loves caring for littles, and we do more than just “babysit” in our nursery. Our team engages our littles with kid-friendly worship music, Bible stories, and Bible-based media (we love Veggie Tales!). We also have snacks available and allow for plenty of free time for the kids to play.
Elizabeth “Biz” Seaman
If you have any questions about VKids or our VKids nursery, our Kids Pastor, Elizabeth Seaman, would love to get in touch with you. “Biz” is a mother of two precious daughters, Zoe and Zion. Biz worked as a professional nanny for several years and has over 10 years of ministry experience. Her passion for kids ministry is to see the church not only care for our kids, but also to help transform our kids into the image of Christ. The mission of VKids is to help each child develop a personal relationship with Jesus so that they can share the love of Jesus with those around them.
All staff and volunteers in our Youth, Vkids, and nursery ministries are screened via comprehensive industry-standard background checks provided by Clear Investigative Advantage, LLC.